Energy Intermission:
A Sacred Pause of Rebirth and Clarity

In its most profound spiritual essence, the concept of an intermission is not simply a momentary break—it is a sacred space, a timeless pause of divine intervention. It offers the soul an opportunity to rest in the embrace of grace, to pause from the rhythm of struggle, and to enter the realm of self-healing and restoration. In ancient teachings, such sacred pauses were revered as essential to the spiritual journey, allowing for renewal and communion with the divine. They invite a rebirth, where you are delivered from hardship and harmonised with the natural cycles of life.

During an Energy Intermission, you are invited into practicing The Depth of Sacred Surrender (read below to deepen the practice), letting go of the weight of control to step into the flow of life's wisdom. In this intimate space, you transcend dualistic perceptions and the limitations of mind, opening the heart to the sacred truth beyond all judgments. The experience brings forth a profound sense of inner peace and unity, where your very being feels aligned with the flow of the universe. It’s here, in this gentle pause, that your energy becomes clear, and your soul is filled with harmonious vibrancy, guiding you toward deep clarity and bliss.

This is not simply a break from daily life—this is a healing journey to reconnect with your essence. The self-healing energy flows through you, restoring balance to your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. As this energy moves through your being, it awakens the cosmic pulse of the universe that flows within each of us. Here, you find liberation from the blockages that may have been holding you back, whether they are physical aches, emotional wounds, or mental tensions.

In the sacred space of this intermission, you awaken to witness the unfolding of your own essence with luminous clarity. This pause is not just a moment of rest—it opens a space of practice for transformation, where you step into your power, feeling whole, enlightened, and empowered. You will emerge with a deeper sense of equanimity, grace, and inner peace, ready to re-engage with life, rooted in the awareness of the divine energy that is you.

The Depth of Sacred Surrender

The path of surrender is a practice as Savasana is teaching us at the end of every yoga classes.
When you are ready to awaken and you step outside of the box, beyond conditionings and limitations, you will see surrender not as a failure, but as a true act of wisdom.
In fact Surrender is not at all about giving up, but it is about opening up, of softening into trust, of releasing the need to control the “how” and allowing life to unfold through you, trusting that life is weaving something truly special for you, even in the unknown. It is in this true surrender that miracles happen.
When we release the resistance, we create space for what is truly meant for us. The universe flows effortlessly and in that flow, life often gifts us something far greater than what our minds could ever imagine.
There are several ways to activate your self-healing abilities and to fully awaken your vital life energy, the modality I offer you is through the practice of surrender, by doing nothing and giving permission to yourself to let go of control. That’s also why the sessions I offer are safe and respectful towards your own person and unique path, because you are invited to approach them without any efforts, force or concentration. You can smoothly, gently and sweetly flow into the experience completely accompanied.

What to Expect in a Session

In a peaceful and nurturing space, you will rest comfortably on a mat, gently guided into Savasana—the relaxation pose—allowing yourself to melt into a deep sense of trust and surrender. With soothing music flowing in the background, I will guide you through intuitive mudras (sacred hand gestures), helping to activate and harmonise your energy. As we move deeper into states of awareness, you will become a witness to the soft boundaries of your mind, gently stepping beyond them to reconnect with your innate wisdom and interconnectedness. This sacred experience invites you to awaken your intuitive knowledge, aligning you with your true essence. Whether in person or online, the session typically lasts 60 minutes, and I will send you tips for a smooth transition into the practice once your appointment is scheduled.

Duration: 60 mins
Location: Amsterdam/Online
Price: 60 euro per person

  • "Whether you find yourself at the start of your awakening journey or have been travelling the awakening path for years, I highly recommend having the Yoga & Lifeforce sessions as your travel companion. These special sessions allow one to go deeper into the realms of the Self that can otherwise go untouched in the conditioning of our realities. Every session takes me on a different voyage allowing me to unravel different layers of conditioning that mask my inner truth and authenticity. As a result, this makes my waking life easier to navigate. Having experienced lifeforce journeys alone, I prefer the experience of having a few restorative yoga poses preceding it, for it allows me to ground and surrender into the lifeforce journey with greater ease. Samantha is an incredible space holder and facilitator for this precious experience and creates a safe environment for whatever arises to unfold with ease and grace. If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to experience this unique journey, go for it and see what unfolds for you!”


  • “If I compare it with the first time that I joined Samantha’s lifeforce session in which Yoga wasn’t included, I find that it is much better with the addition of Yoga. Yoga helped me to relax and feel more grounded before starting with the activation and awakening process. I liked the session very much since I felt very comfortable with Samantha and the rest of the group. The lifeforce journeys are something very new to me that help me to get out of my crazy thoughts and relax, release my emotions and connect with others. It was my second time and I already saw differences in the way that I felt. I felt more secure and the journey made me remember a lot of old hidden memories. Thanks you for that!”


  • “La experiencia con Lifeforce fue unica. Me senti tranquila y en paz. Me pareció muy especial empezar con asana de yoga, eso logró en mí, que me entregue mas fácilmente. La musica acompañó todo el encuentro fue muy especial e importante para que el viaje y la meditación tengan una intensidad profunda. Logré llegar a muchos lugares de mi incosciente. Samantha tiene el poder de hacernos sentir la energia vital que nos habita, al punto de hacer mover nuestros cuerpos físicos y no físicos. Luego del encuentro, puedo decir que viví un cambio positivo en mi vida. La experiencia no fue solo unica, si no magica. Lo recomiendo mucho.”


  • “It was the first time for me, and I found it extremely interesting. It’s been challenging to let go, not easy at all. Letting go is tough, but it was interesting to see how my body responded to the situation, the freedom that was given. It took away feelings and thoughts that came primarily from my body and how it responded to the situation offered. I’m amazed by the complexity of the internal work we could and should do as human beings, and it’s great to have found another door open to this. The restorative yoga part was helpful to sync in my body, but also to start creating a shared space and experience with the rest of the group before immersing ourselves fully in the journey. I’m fascinated by this approach as it really allows each other to peel off layer after layer and discover a bot more about our true self. It’s a complex path, with no shortcuts, I assume, but which value is huge for anybody willing to learn more about themselves, so to connect better also with others. I felt safe and respected and I really loved the openness of everyone during and after the process.”


  • “L’esperienza di Yoga & il Risveglio della Forza Vitale é difficile da spiegare a parole ma é stata un’esperienza magica e il tempo é volato! Anche la combinazione di calmare il corpo con posture di yoga prima della trasmissione di forza vitale mi e’ sembrata ottima, rilassare il corpo con lo yoga ha sicuramente aiutato a sentirmi più calma e presente. La Sessione e’ stata incredibile! Dopo pochi minuti che la musica é iniziata, il mio corpo ha iniziato a muoversi senza che io decidessi nulla consciamente. Soprattutto il basso addome e le gambe...inizialmente mi é venuto da ridere, poi ho iniziato a sbadigliare. Mi sentivo calma e presente. Finita la sessione mi son sentita piena di energie e nella settimana successiva ho affrontato un trasloco con serenità e pace. Ancora oggi sono molto più serena ed in pace con quello che succede attorno a me. Raccomando questa esperienza magica a tutti e non vedo l’ora di rifarlo!”


  • “It was my 2nd journey of Yoga&Lifeforce and it was so different compared to my 1st, but magically the 2 sessions completed each other like pieces of a puzzle that match perfectly. This time, was more challenging to surrender because of high expectation thanks to the great 1st session. The moment I realised that I was feeling stress and anxiety I managed to start my 2nd journey. This time it was mostly related to acceptance. Acceptance of my needs, of my feelings that I have tried to ignore for such a long time and I have pushed them away by saying to myself everyday that I don’t need to feel.. By accepting and surrendering to this, I manages to calm my heart and I felt this acceptance as a balsam. The magical moment that this realisation happened, warmth took over. I managed to hug myself, my inner child, I started to feel safety and clarity within me. I am really looking forward to continuing my journey with the support of Samantha, her lovely energy, her calmness and inner peace. For me, feeling safe is an important value and I could not have experienced any of these, if I was not feeling safe. Thank you Samantha for making me feel safe, for guiding me to meet step by step my real self, my core and discovering all the layers of who I truly am.”


  • “A unique life changing experience! At first I didn’t know what to expect, but my curiosity was telling me to just be open. Samy had created a very calm and safe environment and the moment I let myself surrender, I experienced a journey through emotions, feeling my body making movements I have never done before, but was feeling they were already in me! I felt more alive and connected as never before! Like I am a whole as a human being by just be.. And in the end I had this wonderful feeling of pure freedom and alignment to my true self!”


  • “LifeForce es una experiencia distinta y vibrante. Llegué sin saber bien de qué se trataba y me dejé llevar por el proceso. Imprevisibilidad, desapego y entrega, hicieron que mi cuerpo se moviera y expresara emociones más allá de las palabras. Me solté, confié y pude sentir que me expandía. Lifeforce es una práctica que hay que vivirla más que contarla. La recomiendo de corazón “


  • “I consider myself rational and very curious. Normally I feel that almost nothing is more satisfying than understanding something very complex.
    What happened during the lifeforce session however, was unbelievable and beyond any comprehension. A trip outside the normal world inside my own body and mind. Grazie mille for this unforgettable experience. I have a new intriguing mystery to solve and an amazing memory to cherish.”


  • “Il viaggio che ho attraversato durante la sessione di attivazione della Forza Vitale é stato a tratti intenso e a tratti più leggero.. La mia esperienza é stata molto intensa quando in un momento mentre ero in ascolto del mio corpo e della musica, ho sentito un battito, come un battito del cuore e in quel momento ho visualizzato un embrione. Nello stesso istante Samantha mi ha toccato il grembo..e io che ho perso delle anima... per me é come se stessi sentendo ancora il loro battito. É stata una sessione molto profonda... E non vedo l’ora di ripeterla nuovamente. Grazie ”


  • “Describing it in words is really difficult.. There are sensations that go through the body and soul.. They can be both negative and positive from fears to laughers .. A new experience that helps you to let go, and feel your deep roots. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks Samantha for this wonderful practice and discovery... “


  • “This was my second time that I took part of this journey, I enjoyed it and I tried to put some words on it. It was different than the other time.
    I felt a lot during the session emotionally and physically. After it I was really emotional but also felt light, like a feather.
    It made me realise that the lifeforce energy (unconditional energy)is so strong and important. And this time I also really felt connected with the energy of the other participants. It was a magical moment! “


  • “My experience with the awakening of my lifeforce was a feeling of awareness of my energetic body-flow. Sam’s field allows to work on sensitivity.
    The process made me realize where the energy flows easier and where I’m stuck with small shakes in the belly, or a fast breath. Afterward the experience I had a calm and clean state of mind and felt really motivated, not because I gained strength, but because of the awareness in my weakness. Everything seemed a bit easier, then the mind makes it sometimes.. lighter. For me it is important that the space holder creates a certain way of protection field for everyone, feeling safe in this environment. I feel deep gratefulness and honour for the opportunity to meet this wonderful guiding soul. Thank you for your smooth support.”


  • “It was amazing 🌀 ❤ 🔥 Now I can speak)))) My body mooooved!!!! Wow!!! By itself🔥 I mean of course by my inexhaustible life force♨ life energy 🌀 but without my intention and control!!! Yuuu huuuu💃 I am powerful))))😅 💪 I mean what is inside of me is sooo forcefull☄ in one moment of our session I even got tired of all those intuitive physical movements🥰 but I love it a lot! Thank you thank you thank you😘 😘 ”


  • “I have down a few lifeforce energy sessions with others facilitators before but never with a yoga element in it, and it was truly amazing. Starting with Yin Yoga and the way Samantha facilitates it really helps you to arrive in your body, connect with yourself and ground more deeply. This gave an extra dimension to the lifeforce energy session which was also very profound. I feel a deep connection with myself but also with others, Sam created a space where there was a very safe and supporting collective energy, something I have never experienced before.”
