Frequently asked questions.
Do I need previous experience with yoga and/or meditation before having a yoga private class?
No you don’t! Before we start a private yoga program, you will receive a questionary with some questions about your intention with your yoga path and together we will create your journey starting from whenever you are in your life.
Do I need to be flexible or strong to start yoga?
Yoga is not about flexibility nor strength. Yoga postures and the physical aspect are just a little part of what this sacred and ancient philosophy can offer to the human mind and heart. Come to discover!
Why partecipate to an energy session?
Why not? the approach is purely childish, curious and adventurous.
often you simply feel called by it, there is an intuitive feeling that guides you towards that space holder you feel safe with. it’s a leap into the unknown that you feel to take.
What’s the difference between an Energy Intermission and a Lifeforce Awakening journey?
Both are energy sessions happening with the same applied modality of surrender and let go. The main pragmatic difference is about the music; while the Energy Intermission is flowing with a very neutral and sooting music, a lifeforce awakening journey is having a quite motivating and stimulating playlist.
Regarding the effects, it’s always very personal but during a lifefore journey you might experience intense bodily movements and feel the experience very much in the body; while the energy intermission diffuse a profound sense of unity, calmness, cleansing and restore of the nervous system.
Can a session be done without music?
Yes, definitely. the sound of the soul is silence.
the playlists, whether is very soothing and neutral as in energy intermission or with different frequencies, tones and songs as in a lifeforce awakening session. we use music since most people try to listen but cannot hear that easily.
Is it safe to partecipate to an energy session?
I am a trustful space holder with hundreds humans from all over the world experiencing an energy session. The space i create is very intimate and private, furthermore it’s your own life energy flowing from within, awaken by the surrender modality, very gentle and soothing.
I never force the journey, fully respecting each human path and You can moderate the intensity of your own session while I' am completely present to support you.
What’s the purpose of joining an energy session?
In the society we live in, humans are running in auto-pilot, like machines that are programmed to do the same things over and over again, from morning till night. People’s lives, though often satisfying and enjoyable, are also trapped with trauma, negative energy or fear, engaged into a “fight or flight” patterns.
The awakening of the life energy within, is a conscious break away from what the Buddhists call Maya(Illusion) or what the new generations today would call The Matrix. The ultimate purpose is a de-programming from our selves that are filled with human norms and repressed thoughts and actions, and when finally left to its natural state of beingness, the body and mind really does flow to the motions of the universe.
Do I have to do anything, have previous experience or follow any instructions when I join an energy session?
Nope! You are welcome as you are!
No previous experience or background is required or desired. The awakening of your energy is not self-induced, instead it happens throughout the modality of surrender, so you don’t have to do anything! Just relax, calm down and let go!