Lifeforce energy experience is a transformative and self-awakening process.
You are invited to practice the Depth of Sacred Surrender (read below to deepen the practice), which will guide you through a sensory energy process, leading to an intuitive remembrance of your True Self through heightened awareness of your body, mind, and emotions as energy.
Your consciousness may expand effortlessly in a way that allows you to feel, experience and realise your connection and union with all that is.Kundalini is one of the names given to the powerful, creative and divine life force energy that’s inside every being. However, it often lies dormant in us; we only tap into a limited part of it. But once awakened, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure, bringing about more conscious awareness.
This rewiring enables a deep self-healing and transformation and the process is grounded in the science of vibration, creating shifts through the different brainwaves and internal processes, peeling away layers of our conditioned mental limitations and stagnation that build up over time (through traumatic experiences or within deeply rooted conditionings).
Your consciousness may expand effortlessly in a way that allows you to feel, experience and realize your connection and union with all that is. Coming to the awareness of this energy and the home within themselves brings most people a more strengthened, sustainable and harmonious existence with other beings and the planet itself.
During the awakening process on and off the mat, your life path initiates intuitive evolution, spiritual awakening gives expanded states of consciousness realigns and restores the physical body giving a remembrance of our wholeness – Oneness releases long held emotions, trauma moves the body in mysterious ways awakens our kundalini energy
Lifeforce energy awakening
The Depth of Sacred Surrender
The path of surrender is a practice as Savasana is teaching us at the end of every yoga classes.
When you are ready to awaken and you step outside of the box, beyond conditionings and limitations, you will see surrender not as a failure, but as a true act of wisdom.
In fact Surrender is not at all about giving up, but it is about opening up, of softening into trust, of releasing the need to control the “how” and allowing life to unfold through you, trusting that life is weaving something truly special for you, even in the unknown. It is in this true surrender that miracles happen.
When we release the resistance, we create space for what is truly meant for us. The universe flows effortlessly and in that flow, life often gifts us something far greater than what our minds could ever imagine.
There are several ways to activate your self-healing abilities and to fully awaken your vital life energy, the modality I offer you is through the practice of surrender, by doing nothing and giving permission to yourself to let go of control. That’s also why the sessions I offer are safe and respectful towards your own person and unique path, because you are invited to approach them without any efforts, force or concentration. You can smoothly, gently and sweetly flow into the experience completely accompanied.
What to expect in a session?
In your session you start laying comfortably on a mat and we will create a safe space for you to surrender, trust and allow.
A playlist with different brainwaves, drums, tones and frequencies will be used and other sensory experiences including intuitive touch, sound and smell.
Individual Session
Duration: 60 mins
Location: Amsterdam/Online
Energy Exchange: 60 euro