When you choose to participate in the "Self-love weekend retreat," you are choosing yourself and your "Me-time."

You have finally decided to grant yourself a space of devotion and dedication toward self-care and self-love. Often, we feel overwhelmed by everything around us, by to-do lists, by changes we are unable to integrate, by mental patterns that no longer belong to us and that we are unable to let go of, by boundaries we fail to implement, by external demands that overpower us, and by the “no’s” or “yes’s” we cannot say. Taking this weekend is saying “Yes” to your Soul and your human Being, who are asking to be seen, to be heard.

The requests of the soul are not verbal—they are feelings, often emotional and/or physical, that only need space to be silently heard in solitude, away from the chaos of daily life. This retreat is an invitation to "Be" rather than to "Do," an invitation to relax and be with yourself, enjoying your own company. During the weekend, you will not only take part in and experience transformative and cathartic spiritual ceremonies and rituals, but you will also learn techniques and practices that you can carry with you into your daily life, with the hope of cultivating a path of authenticity and bliss with yourself.

Remember: you are the most important person in and of your life. Without you, nothing around you would exist. Take care of yourself.

  • DAY 1


    The practice of Swara Yoga (swara, from Sanskrit, means musical note or sound) involves observing the sound of the breath through the nostrils and studying the subtle energy flows that nourish different parts of the body using breathing techniques. Unlike Pranayama, Swara Yoga takes into account the relationship with nature, the seasons, the time of day, the positions of the planets, the moon, and the sun. Swara Yoga is the science of the harmony of breath, based on the concept that breath is connected to the flow of life force and to the realization of cosmic consciousness, embracing the idea of breath as the companion of the soul. From Swara practice, we will organically move into a cosmic energy intermission, which requires no effort except to let go and practice surrender. You will simply lie on your mat, accompanied by relaxing and dreamlike music, allowing yourself to be guided by the intuitive movements of my hands (mudras). Cosmic energy, or what is also defined as non-dual vital energy, is an energetic intermission that invites you to open and explore inner spaces to perceive your human reality beyond the limits of dualistic thought and binary emotions. You will experience a deep sense of unity, serenity, and inner peace. It is an energetic experience that helps heal and release mental, physical, and emotional blockages, awakening a sense of cosmic consciousness and luminous awareness.

  • DAY 2


    Saturday Schedule recommends two activities:

    Stress Release Yoga Class

    Stress Release yoga stimulates the body's self- healing ability. During this class, you will allow your body and mind to relax completely in a natural way using elements of Pranayama, Yin Yoga, and Restorative Yoga. You will use many props to support the body and cultivate a posture that allows the connective tissues to relax. As a result, all your intelligences will relax, bringing more mental, emotional, and energetic tranquility.

    Benefits of the Spa

    The Spa is a wellness center where body and mind reconcile through the primordial element of water.
    This can improve your mental and physical health, and more specifically, you can benefit from the following:
    -reduce muscle and joint problems, as well as issues with all connective tissues -decrease stress, anxiety, depression, and negative emotional states
    -thermal therapy can boost your energy, improving mood and dopamine levels

  • DAY 3


    The ritual of sacred cacao will not only open the ceremony but also your heart to the discovery of the deepest mysteries of your essence and connection with Mother Earth. The ancient ceremonial cacao ritual offers emotional, spiritual, and communal benefits.
    By following the original ritual, with respect and honour, you will consume this sacred drink as part of a spiritual practice in union with the awakening of vital energy.
    The Awakening of vital energy is a spiritual experience that activates a process of transformation and self-awakening.
    It is a sensory energetic journey, where you will live the intuitive remembrance of your True Self, experiencing an increased inner awareness of your body, mind, and emotions as pure energy. Your consciousness will expand effortlessly, allowing you to feel, experience, and realise the deep connection with yourself and the unity with all that is.
    Lying comfortably on your mat in total relaxation and practicing the art of letting go and sweet idleness, you will be accompanied by music specifically prepared for the experience and guided by the intuitive mudras of the facilitator, mysteriously immersing you in the full divine consciousness of your vital essence in harmony with yourself and the planet.

Ready to embark on a transformative self-love weekend in Amsterdam, where you’ll dive deep into the unknown and rediscover the limitless potential within you?
The activities in the program swap, alternate or adapt
to your time and availability.
Write me to find out further details!